Cell Group Notes

Cell GroupsThese notes are provided as example questions during the Word section of your cell group meeting.

Jesus loved Unconditionally: He is forgiving

Week Commencing

14th April 2024


Matthew 18:21-35


Possible questions for groups are set out below. Feel free to use as a many or as few of these as is appropriate for your group or lead your discussion/application time in another way altogether.

1. Forgiveness comes from love and compassion. Who do you find it difficult to love? What can you do to overcome this?

2. Forgiveness is shown in our actions. Share ideas on what you might do to show forgiveness if or when you are a victim?

3. Forgiveness is a process. Share a time when you have needed to forgive. How did this go? Is there anything you could have done differently?

Spend some time giving thanks for what Jesus has done for us and pray for any in your group who are struggling with issues of either accepting or giving forgiveness.

Remind your group

1. Alpha continues on Sundays from 4-5.30, and around 13 who don’t yet know Jesus have come over the past 2 weeks. Pray that they will have a real encounter with God over the course of the next 9 weeks. Instead of a meal we will be doing cake and tray bakes (please let David or Christine know if you are willing to bake one week to help the team.)

2. Please pray for those with ongoing issues in their lives – Liz Willis, Lena McAllister, Alan Hunter, Alan Foy, Harry Smith and any others you are aware of.